Valentine Court Sheet Music
If you’re a fellow pianist and you’ve ever wanted to play one of my pieces, now you can, because I’ve written sheet music for ten of the pieces from my Valentine Court album. Each score has been produced to a high standard including fingering and lots of musical detail as you can see from these...Continue reading
Piano Illuminato – a beautiful video
Last year, as part of the Adelaide Fringe, I had the honour of playing a concert in the Adelaide Town Hall (not the big main room you understand, but still, a treat!) and I put together something special in collaboration with a talented visual artist – Zero Shaw. Using almost the whole back wall of...Continue reading
A Beauiful Piano Tribute to Erik Satie
Like many people, I was affected by the music of Erik Satie at an early age. His famous Gymnopedies, with their elegant simplicty and and the other-worldly beauty of the Gnossiennes had a profound effect on me and along with other French composers of a similar period (Debussy, Ravel and Poulenc) strongly influenced the way...Continue reading
Rich Batsford Radio
If you like my piano music, or you have an interest in contemporary piano music, or just fancy something nice in the background when youre chilling or working, can I suggest giving my online radio station a try? OK, to be fair, I should explain that I havent gone to a lot of painstaking effort...Continue reading
Phosphorescent, Friendly Fires and me reviewed
My first gig for top Birmingham music promoters Capsule was a great pleasure yesterday. For my set, I was a little taken aback at first by how quiet the audience were – very attentive and polite. Probably because it was in a pub – albeit in the venue room of what is certainly one of...Continue reading
Seasoned with Love
I recently sent a copy of my album Valentine Court to a lady in the US called Rebecca Johnson, who writes regularly on a website called Seasoned with Love. She is also a key player in the growing army of people with an interest in music, books etc who contribute to our growing global cultural...Continue reading