The final part in Justin Hamilton’s ambitious trilogy ends with his return to Adelaide following an awkward period in the aftermath of the tragic events covered in part two. The comic has been told that a time capsule is to be dug up in his old school (it was meant to be dug up in 2000 but the guy who was supposed to remind everyone to do so died a somewhat untimely death in 1999!).
This gives Hamilton the chance to tell some tales form his formative years with some good laughs and nice character painting. I feel he does pretty well getting a balance between stories that serve the narrative whilst still including plenty of laughs. I sometimes reckon I could tell bits that he had used before as stand up routines, but I might be wrong and in any case it doesnt matter since it all fits together pretty well.
The letter from his youth is charming and full of positivity – it feels good to look at your life in terms of how it might be viewed by your younger or older self – you might find you would give yourself an easier time than you get from your current one.
I still feel he rattles though it a bit and if its a case of trying to fit too much in, should bite the bullet and edit a bit in order to allow more space and pacing. But maybe thats just his style.
The final section, a kind of mega-call back (that comic device when you get a laugh on the basis of referring to something from earlier in the set) effectively a roll-call of all the characters we have encountered and gotten to know along the way.
We’ve certainly learned a lot about Justin Hamilton and his life and loves and it has been good fun getting to know him. Perhaps as time goes on we might learn still more about what lies beneath.
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