Clinging on to consciousness to try and start the day.
Awake from deep and troubled sleep, feel pressure straight away.

Eat my breakfast in the sun, feel cold anyway,
watch a pigeon watching me and wonder what he’d say.

Reflect on all my situations, tangled webs and complications,
muddled goals and gaping holes, fractured people, poor relations.

Feel an ant crawl on to me, brush it off impatiently,
probly crippled it for life, the next I move more tenderly.

I guess I like this lyric writing, quite cathartic, if not exciting.

Now the ants are moving faster, bidden by their lord and master.
Magpie steals across the lawn, I stifle yet another yawn.

Will people let me have some time if I sing in tune and speak in rhyme
or will they sing another song thats out of time and far too long?

My partner’s not too pleased with me, cos I’m a fool and she can see.
I say things I don’t mean to say, I guess I’m learning far too late.

The ants are running round and round, comunicating what they’ve found.
What do they know, what do they care, they just want to know “what’s over there?”.

Just then the magpie found a friend, we’re all together in the end,
but then he came back on his own, perhaps he lost his mobile phone.

Birds of a feather stick together and yet we’re all alone whatever
we can do to try and hide, our strength has got to be inside.

Now I’ve drunk my cup of tea, I wonder if there’s hope for me.
I can’t be sure, wouldnt want to be, I’ll go and meditate and wait and see.



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