Two of my Birmingham based bands have official music releases today, both in an online MP3 download stlyee.
Einstellung are one of my favourite bands for a while now, combining a meditative sensibility in bold repetition, real subtlety in the rhythmic variations, fluid melody (particular in Andy Smart’s graceful lines) and awesome power. Their twin guitar assualt and taut, muscular riffage gradually building to huge climaxes makes for a remarkable live experience their live recordings cut it as well, particularly (as with most good music) if played loud.
I would urge anyone not familiar with ‘Stellung as yet to consider buying their edited single Tot from Shifty Disco as useful little intro to the band, but really to experience them more fully, go straight for the full album Wings of Desiire which thanks to a release on an Australian label can be downloaded from itunes Australia or from Waterfront Records.
Khaliq meanwhile offer a more mellow and peaceful album available to buy on itunes worldwide – “Way of Zen” featuring some spiritually minded lyrics delivered in a warm tone by singer/songwriter Khaliq, backed up by a tight band including some very able tabla playing all serving to blend cultural influence with local context in a way that Birmingham does so often, and so well.