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Stand Up Comedy

Whos Laughing Now

I’m proud to announce a new website devoted the best of all things comedy in Birmingham and beyond. This site is launched today as part of the Birmingham Comedy Festival (in association with Wye Valley Brewery and Evening Mail) which is currently in progress and runs until Sunday. The brainchild of myself and freelance journalist...Continue reading

Edinburgh Festival Day Five

A slightly belated record of my last day in Edinburgh this year. I lined up a strong evening of comedy for myself, starting with Jamie Kilstein, a young American comic doing his first full Fringe, after coming over for a few days last year. His anti-religious style (the show is called “There is no God...Continue reading

Edinburgh Festival – Day Four

Quick backtrack first up as I forgot to mention one of the earlier days I was invited to South by South Wales by the agent of the comic Matt Price who was compering. His style was described to me as “anti-compering” which I can understand – he struck me as very in tune with the...Continue reading

Edinburgh Festival – Day Three

Started out with Dan Nightingale showing a lot of class on his Fringe debut. He gives the impression of being a very natural comic, expressing himself well with his body and facial expressions, using a bunch of real stories and some gags based on the contrast between the tough “street” side to Manchester thats its...Continue reading

Edinburgh Festival – Day One

Great first night in Edinburgh. Arrived via train at six thirty and headed to pleasance courtyard – struck up interesting conversation with an artist Andrea Geile who produces botanical based art and sculpture at events like www.bigthingsonthebeach.co.uk which is something Id like to attend if I was here longer. Had dinner with the show manager...Continue reading

Glenn Wool Interviews

Ive long been a fan of Glenn Wool’s stand up comedy, since i saw him shortly after he arrived in the UK and became his first UK agent. He had talent to burn back then, but since has had some years to mature into the fine comedian he is today – an unfailingly entertaining character....Continue reading

Reginald D Hunter and Jason Cook

July 18: Reginald D Hunter and Jason Cook Reginald D Hunter – No Country for Grown Men. Reg started his comedy career in Birmingham where he lived and gigged for some years after arriving in the country to study acting at RADA. Incredibly natural onstage and a deeply thoughtful and engaging presence, he is now...Continue reading

Scott Capurro and Zoe Lyons

July 17: Scott Capurro and Zoe Lyons Scott Capurro goes Deeper. Scott is one of those acts that tends to polarise an audience, pushing the boundaries of some audience members to breaking point and beyond. This brash, gay San Franciscan takes the view that he has the right to speak his mind and that if...Continue reading
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