Impressionism in Art and Music
Some favourites from a visit to the Impressionism exhibition in the Art Gallery of South Australia. I found it a very moving experience, with each section moving onwards and culminating in the wondrous ‘Water-Lily Pond, Symphony in Rose’ by Claude Monet. I’ve long felt the French composers of the era, some of whom were also...Continue reading
Buddhism and Myanmar
Like many people I’ve been shocked by the horrific violence in Myanmar, but perhaps especially because its been perpetrated by Buddhists and I am a Buddhist myself. I condemn violence in any form – as a Buddhist, one might think that goes without saying, but sadly, this issue, and others before it, suggest otherwise. I...Continue reading
End of an Era
An absolute pleasure to be a part of the final concert of the St Cecilia School of Music last night and honour the generous life and career of Guido Coppola who has given so much to the musical life of Adelaide. Congratulations Maestro and best wishes for a long and happy retirement.
Beautiful Piano, Beautiful Compliment
This lovely old Piano was my workstation yesterday evening, at a private party in Adelaide . I got the loveliest compliment from one of the guests too “listening to your music, I feel like I’m falling in love with the world all over again.”
Orlando’s Bloom – a tribute to the fallen
Like many people, I’ve felt deeply touched by the tragedy that took place in Orlando and the other similar incidents in recent years. Its hard to know how to respond. There’s petitions to sign and I’ve spent a good while on the internet having conversations where I encourage people to try and see past their...Continue reading
Fusing Visuals with Sound for Piano Illuminato
Zero Shaw and myself working on our collaboration of sound and light for Piano Illuminato in the Adelaide Fringe.
March for Marriage Equality
My partner Lyndall and I are heading into Adelaide city today for the Marriage Equality march. It might seem like an odd choice for a couple who’s longevity is living proof that you don’t need to get married to be happy! But, its not about marriage really is it? Its about choice, about fairness, the absence...Continue reading
Love and Mercy – the most beautiful songs of the Beach Boys
Its been an emotional couple of days having watched Love and Mercy a biopic about a very remarkable guy who had a huge impact on my life. For people who know me only through my piano music, it may be a surpise, but Brian Wilson, formerly of The Beach Boys, is probably my personal favourite musician of...Continue reading
A strong dream and a try at interpreting it.
A couple of days ago I had this very strong dream: I was journeying along, as part of an expedition and discussing how dangerous it was. Other people had got into trouble in this land because the tide would turn and the plain would become flooded with water. The only way forward then was to...Continue reading