Tomorrow, Wednesday August 1st in the programme starting at noon, the Radio Four consumer programme “You and Yours” visits the issue of the noise abatement order which is threatening the existence of one of Birmingham’s most treasured social and musical venues, The Spotted Dog.

I blogged about this a couple of days ago so I wont bang on, save to say that you can follow the ongoing debate on the message board of The Stirrer, and if you miss the broadcast of the show, you can catch it via Radio Four’s Listen Again service.

There will hopefully be a few words from me throwing in my two pence on the show for the second time in as many months, since I recently spoke about my lack of confidence about the plans to install three temporary beaches in Birmingham City Centre (based largely around my experience of playing a dismal, but sandy Bradford City Centre with Gidea Park a little while ago).

And they say that Brummie issues get ignored by the national press (!).

What else we can do about the Spotted Dog issue (apart from signing the e-petition), remains to be seen. I fear we sit and wait for the inevitable.



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