I enjoy visiting the Kitchen Garden Cafe in York Road, Kings Heath – in fact I’m there weekly for meetings with Mick Perrier and Amran Ellahi about our Musituality project.
Many moons ago I also occasionally went to The Retort – a somewhat anarchic cabaret show in Moseley.
Now, the good people behind the Kitchen Garden Cafe have brought the Retort back – somehwat calmer in tone apparently these days, but Im sure no less fun, and they’ve kindly invited me to play at it on Sunday May 3rd.
They bill it as: “The usual eclectic mix of Music, Comedy, Poetry and Cabaret in Suburbia. This month’s show is compered by the fabulous Brian and Krysstal, legends of the London Cabaret scene, who had the audience in stitches in the April show. If you saw them last month I’m sure you’ll be dying to see them again (they have plenty more material so it won’t be a repeat).
More comedy comes from local girl Annette Fagon and newcomer Zane Cohen. We have Poetry, Comedy and Music from former Birmingham Poet Laureate Spoz, music from Emma Black “Emma’s long dark tresses & pretty crystalline voice still doesn’t prepare you for her soothing, hypnotic guitar work, which is fused with a folk outlook.” Manchester Music, plus David Gibb “modern pop-folk that’s bright and infectious…he’s got great commercial possibilities and he’s someone that, given the right help, could easily make this all work” Steve Lamacq BBC Radio 2, and Rich Batsford “Inspired by Philip Glass and Steve Reich, his music displays amazing beauty in repetition and minimalism. Definitely a performer to keep your eyes on.” B’ham Evening Mail Tickets £7 (£5 conc.).